Monday, 11 February 2013

Oo-la-la the capital!

So we went on a history trip and to avoid grossing you guys out, I figured it was better to take pictures of the scenery which I LOVE instead of old operating tables and lovely stuff of the sort.

I swear this building is just some tragic accident waiting to happen. OOBA ATTRACTIVE THOUGH!
Had to take these pictures on a moving coach leaning over my friend who'd nabbed the window seat so, you have to excuse the ugly building trying to steal the London Eye's limelight. 
"Eloise, what are you actually taking pictures of!? I can hear all this clicking!" "Eeerrr... pretty much everything.." :'D 
THIS IS SO WONDERFULLY ICONIC! I mean, the red double-decker, traditional taxi cab and even a doorman dressed like a toy soldier! >.<

How exciting can it get!? :D


Oh, it's a riveting topic.

Unfortunately here to blabbe about the weather again but....Cue soft piano music...
 I FEEL LIKE I'M IN A MOVIE MAN! Someone is using pathetic fallacy on me. For real! :'D

Looks surprisingly warm and inviting. As if you could just dive from the rooftops into street and bounce around as opposed to thudding heavily to the ground in a brick like fashion. :O The snow deceives us. :O How sinister.
"Snow is falling, all around me, children playing, having fun! Tis the season, for love and understanding!
MERRY CHR-"hold the phone. I've got my timings all messed up. The snow is just a LITTLE LATE.

Oooooo, the headlights on the right makes the photo all Sherlock Holmesy, don't ya think!?

Just wanna jump out there with my magnifying glass..

Except I don't because it's cold...and dark...and I don't have a magnifying glass.


E. x

Saturday, 2 February 2013

Zoom zoom zoom, we're going to the zoo... That's not even how it goes.

So, it's early February in south-east England and bloody freezing. Naturally, the best plan I can think of for my weekend is to go to the zoo for snapsies of ANIMALS! MAAAA! I mean, it's cheaper at this time, and less busy... Could there be a more perfect time to go!?

Apparently yes.

You see, a lot of the animals take a kind of "sod that" attitude and burrow themselves in bed in this weather which, when you go to the zoo, is just a little bit disappointing.

BUT! <--- A big but.

Anything involving animals is pretty exciting, right!?

Firstly, meet Alan.

Throughout the morning, each time I walked past Alan the alpaca, he hadn't moved from this position and hadn't finished the rather odd task of chewing the inside of his mouth away.Then nearing lunch time...

It clearly got too much for Alan. Poor Alan. Yes, we're on first name terms.

Next, I met Melvin. Agreeably not the most beautiful of creatures but greatly appreciated for amusement purposes.

As you may have noticed, Melvin has a disconcerting habit of staring into the depths of your soul with those penetrating googly eyes of his but his toilet-brush hair style and constant crumb decorations make him quite a fashion icon within the zoo.

And next came Twig (his name isn't my creation this time, the keeper told me). Twig is a rather bold and selfish "I'm alright Jack" little fellow as he managed to make the shared heater into his private sun lounger.

He is clearly a genius.

The next animals are those I intend to own at one point in my life, even if only briefly, as pets. I will make it my goal to understand what they are saying and become a female Dr.Dolittle.

For the cuteness.

You should seriously see how this guy walks- he doesn't. Every movement is pogo stick inspired.

(He was behind the glass so the quality is pretty bad here) Everything this guy does is 0.0005x. Seriously. It's adorable but I don't know how he'd do in an emergency- "THERE'S A FIRE!" ""

 Most definitely my favourite! XD

Totally reminds me of the bird Fiona blows up with her singing in Shrek. :'D

These things I would not touch with a barge pole :

His grin says so many things- all sinister death threats of course.

He was a large pebble in a previous life.

And last BUT MOST DEFINITELY NOT LEAST, I was reunited with Hiccup!

February 2011-

February 2013-

Yup. I'm done.

Until next time!

E x