Friday, 25 January 2013

Introducing Willie V - The best listener of all my companions

So, this is Willie V- Charlie Bear collectable- gift from my parents, and I love him. A lot. Let me tell you why:

  • He's always available for a one-sided chat.
  • He does not judge me when I ramble at him. By this I mean he never pulls the "Oh Lord. You must be unwell." face.
  • He never complains.
  • He's very generous with the sharing of the covers.
  • His paws/feet look like they could belong to a monkey.
You jelly?  >.<

PS: I don't have the mentality of a five year old most of the time- only when it comes to teddies and Disney things the little kid in me has the most violent tantrum in which she demands to be let out and, I won't lie to you, I'm not one for arguing with scary small children.

E. x

Introducing Dobby

Weeeeeeee! New camera for my birthday! Sony NEX-5R, renamed 'Dobby' as suggested by a loved one for its insane cute and wonderful-ness! I've been messing around with a load of new features and effects such as the one used here- 'Illustration': my favourite! So satisfying to take clicks with! Really looking forward to discovering how to take some more serious awesome shots! I've used so many exclamation marks! :O  AHHH! EXCITEMENT! 


Will hopefully have some interesting snaps posted here soon to disguise my total blogging clueless-ness!

E. x

Monday, 21 January 2013

The cold white stuff that buggers up plans and brings joy to students across the country.

So, over Christmas, the weather here in Welwyn Garden was about as christmassy as Scrooge, however, I give a warm welcome to the snow; better late than never! As soon as I found the white blanket had descended I felt the urge to scurry to the woods armed with a camera and attempt to capture the beautiful eeriness there. Despite having a terrifying experience involving a creepy house, a psychotic labrador and being deceived by the snow that made EVERYTHING LOOK THE SAME resulting in me becoming quite lost, I survived and feel that this photo depicts that pretty well. 
When it comes to photos, people can get all poetic and 'deep' with what they caption them but, I've noticed that on many photo blogs, people get so deep that all is left of them is their feet sticking up from the ground which, to me, seems like a very uncomfortable position to be in. 
